Under forvandlingens lov, eller Jo tykkere, jo bedre

Weitere Titel: The rule of change, or The thicker, the better
Genre: Feature film
Jahr: 1911
Dauer: 00:29:00
Beschreibung: A romantic comedy about marriage, friendship, infidelity, separation and reconciliation, in which an unfaithful pair of lovers are subjected to a very unusual revenge at the hands of their spouses. This is one of the oldest known Norwegian films to have been preserved in more or less complete condition.
Anbieter: Nasjonalbiblioteket
Rechte: In Copyright / Please contact Nasjonalbiblioteket for copyright information
Produktionsfirma: Internationalt Films-Kompani AS
Farbe: Colour
Regie: Roede, Halfdan Nobel
Ton: Without sound
Sammlung: Fiction/non-fiction from the silent film collection
Originalformat: Video/mpeg
Language: no
Related Names
- Hauge, Ingeborg | Actor
- Danning, Signe | Actor
- Dietrichson, Hedvig | Actor
- Ræstad, Bertha | Actor
- Roede, Halfdan Nobel | Director
- Hansson, Olaf | Actor
- Hedemark, Hans Ingi | Actor
- Soot, Botten | Actor
- Sandberg, Christen | Actor
- Lykke-Seest, Peter | Screenplay
- Danning, Christian | Actor